Attending SyncSummit Feb 7 -10, 2023 in Hollywood, California!

Last week in my post about my new upcoming recording (made possible by funding from ArtsNL!) I mentioned that I'll have more news to share about my progress towards my goal of getting my music heard and placed in the sync licensing industry, and today's the day. 

I've been subscribed to Taris Studios' Ignite Your Music Career since Nov '21 and have learned a great deal about the industry through that. Thank you Craig Dodge! 

I've participated in several Indie Week online conferences and webinars and have learned a lot from the speakers and other attendees at those. 

In Oct '22 I attended MusicNL Music Celebration Week in Corner Brook and participated in the sync licensing music supervisor panel discussion and then had one-on-one meetings with those supes...Cody Partridge, Telan Wong and Everton Lewis jr. 

I'm super excited today to say that, thanks to MusicNL's Professional Development Grant, from Feb 7-10/23 I'll be attending SyncSummit in Hollywood, California!! 

Sync Summit is the premier event to learn from and connect to over 100 speakers across music supervision, production, technology across TV, film, streaming networks, ads, brands, grams, interactive platforms, podcasts and social media all with the goal to give me the knowledge and the connections I need to succeed in music licensing and composition for media. The event features keynotes, panels, workshops, songwriting camps, showcases and networking events online and in person as well as personal introductions to speakers, online EPKs for all attendees and contact information from participants. This is a great opportunity to build my professional network and learn from industry experts. 

(I'll also be getting on an airplane for the first time in over three years so that's exciting too!) 

Check out the list of speakers so far... 

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